Top 4 Massage Techniques For Anxiety

Massage therapy is often closely associated with pain relief, and many clients seek massage services to deal with occasional or chronic muscle pain or injury. However, the benefits of massage therapy extend well beyond your physical well-being. 

For centuries, massage therapy has also been a vital tool in helping individuals find a path to mental and emotional wellness. 

Despite being a fundamentally physical practice, massage therapy can reduce or even eliminate stress and anxiety, both of which can make daily life difficult. 

Anxiety, particularly over a long period, can decrease your quality of life and lead to painful and chronic physical and mental health problems, like tension, muscle pain, and depression. 

Massage therapy can help you control your anxiety while also offering an additional layer of treatment for any physical health problems associated with anxiety. 

Anxiety, particularly over a long period, can decrease your quality of life and lead to painful and chronic physical and mental health problems.

What is anxiety?

We all worry from time to time, and fears about current or future events can leave even the most steadfast mind reeling in the middle of the night. 

Often associated with our innate “fight or flight” response, these feelings can be vital to our survival, helping us evaluate circumstances and make decisions that keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and healthy.

Unfortunately, for some people, those fears and worries are constant and intense, and these feelings can cause everyday situations to become unbearable. 

Living in a constant state of anxiety can negatively affect your emotional, mental, and physical health. People who suffer from chronic anxiety are at a greater risk for depression, panic attacks, high blood pressure, digestive issues, insomnia or other disruptive sleep patterns, and physical aches and pains. 

These health issues can further exacerbate anxiety and directly impact your ability to engage in everyday activities, whether it’s working, parenting, or spending time with friends and family.  

What type of massage is best for anxiety

Many types of massage therapy can assist in anxiety management. One reason is the atmosphere most commonly associated with massage therapy.  

In general, massage therapists do their best to ensure that the environment cultivates calmness and relaxation, free from the everyday noises and distractions that can quickly induce or exacerbate anxiety. 

They allow you to disconnect with the world and reconnect with yourself, to be present in the moment and in that moment reach total relaxation. 

Massages also promote healing, improve circulation, improve sleep, and lower blood pressure. Combined, these effects can positively impact your mood and mind, allowing you to let go of some of the stressors that invade your mind throughout the day. 

If you’re considering massage therapy for anxiety management, the following massage therapy techniques are worth considering: 

1. Swedish Massage 

Many first-time clients are most familiar with Swedish massage therapy. This technique employs gentle strokes that are aimed at relaxing muscles and releasing tension in the body. This type of massage is an excellent option if you are new to massage therapy and are looking for a gentle yet effective experience that caters to the mind and body. 

Anxiety can be difficult to overcome, but massage therapy can help you reclaim your life.

2. Deep Tissue Massage

Also referred to as a sports massage, a deep tissue massage is popular for clients who experience muscle pain or chronic tension. During this type of massage, your therapist will apply rub and stroke muscles using various amounts of pressure to provide relief. You may want to consider this type of massage if your anxiety results in muscle pain or tension. 

3. CBD Massage 

Typically, a CBD massage takes on many characteristics common to a Swedish massage but with CBD oil. CBD is derived from the hemp plant and can enhance relaxation, decrease anxiety, help reduce inflammation, and offer relief from chronic pain. A CBD massage can be a healing experience for many clients and is a good option if you’re looking for a new spin on traditional massage therapy. 

4. Lomi Lomi Massage: 

Rooted in ancient Hawaiian tradition, the Lomi Lomi massage is as much of a physical experience as it is spiritual. During this type of massage, your therapist will use sound and rhythmic motions to relax the body and mind. 

This massage is truly a one-of-a-kind experience and can be a great choice if you are suffering from any of the effects of anxiety, including depression, panic attacks, muscle pain, and general tension. A Lomi Lomi massage is also a wise choice if you want to elevate your experience to nourish the mind and soul. 

Anxiety can be difficult to overcome, but massage therapy can help you reclaim your life. If you’re suffering from the emotional, mental, and physical effects of anxiety, contact us today, and we can help you find the best massage service to meet your needs and help you find relief. 

Grief can leave the body in a constant state of “fight or flight”.

Did You Ever Consider The Benefits of Massage Therapy For Grief?

The loss of a loved one or an unexpected change in life, like the loss of a job or home, is difficult to handle at any point in life. And the grief that accompanies that experience can impact every part of your life, including your personal, social, professional, and physical wellbeing. 

Coping with grief can be challenging, especially since the path towards healing can look so different for each person. Although there’s no single solution to managing grief, massage therapy, which has physical, emotional, and mental benefits, can help. 

the best massage therapy for you is the one that aims to address the symptoms you're experiencing.

What is grief?

Grief is the intense and often overwhelming response to the loss. Most frequently, grief is associated with the loss of a loved one—expected or unexpected—but it can also manifest after losing something an individual deeply values, like a job, a home, a relationship, or physical capability (i.e., disability).  

The process of grieving looks different for everyone, but those going through it commonly experience a variety of emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, or even a sense of relief if the loss followed a prolonged battle with a terminal illness.  

Frequently, we discuss grieving that happens in stages, starting with shock and denial and then moving through pain and guilt, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. However, many individuals experience various stages of grief in tandem or volley back and forth throughout the mourning process. 

Similarly, though there are “stages” associated with grief, the amount of time it takes someone to move through their grief can vary tremendously; some may grieve for months while others may travel their path for a year or more. 

When we think about grief, we often think in terms of emotional responses. That’s a reasonable definition, as grief is primarily emotionally driven; however, those emotions and the grieving process can also lead to physical manifestations of grief.  

Grief can leave the body in a constant state of “fight or flight”, increases stress hormones, and ultimately has negative consequences on the body and mind. Further, studies have shown that those experiencing grief may be at an increased risk of heart issues, anxiety, digestive issues (e.g., nausea and IBS), back pain, joint pain, headaches, and tension that leads to muscle pain and stiffness. Grief can also lead to sleep problems, including both fatigue and insomnia.

Each of these symptoms can make coping with grief and resuming “normal” activities more challenging. Over time, the physical effects of grief can also lead to or contribute to health problems, like those mentioned above.  

Can massages help with grief?

Yes— massage therapy can help with grief. However, the physical pain associated with grief can make it harder to feel better, making it harder to maintain a positive outlook and move forward in a healthy and meaningful way. 

Massage therapy can alleviate many of the physical pains directly and indirectly associated with grief, making it a suitable way to cope with your emotions and practice self-care. 

A reflexology massage, which can help clear blocked energy, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep.

Is a specific type of massage better to help with grief?

Because grief affects everyone differently, there's no single answer to "which type of massage is best for grief?" Instead, the best massage therapy for you is the one that aims to address the symptoms you're experiencing. 

Some massage techniques are better at helping you cope with the emotional and mental effects of grief, including anxiety and depression while making it easier to reach a peaceful and mindful state of existence. 

If you're seeking a massage therapy that will help cope with those symptoms, or you want one that aims to provide physical as well as emotional and spiritual healing, a Lomi Lomi massage may be a wise choice. Similarly, a reflexology massage, which can help clear blocked energy, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep, may also be worth considering. 

On the other hand, if you’re experiencing increased muscle pain and tension, a Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, or upper body massage may be a better option. Your therapist will use varying degrees of pressure and movement during these sessions to address targeted or full-body muscle pain. 

Another great option that we recommend to our clients is our signature massage, which incorporates reflexology techniques with upper body and Himalayan Salt Stone massage therapies. Combined, these techniques can provide relief from the physical and emotional symptoms of grief. 

If you’re experiencing the side effects of grief, it’s essential that you work with friends, family, and trusted medical professionals to determine how best to move forward. You should also seek out opportunities that allow you to practice self-care. Massage therapy is an excellent way to do just that. 

For those experiencing grief, the benefits of massage therapy can treat many of the physical manifestations of grief, including muscle pain and anxiety.

Suffering from PTSD, massage therapy can provide another layer of care by alleviating stress, physical pain, and tension

How Massage Therapy Can Help Relieve PTSD

It’s common to think of massage therapy as a service to treat pain or relieve stress and tension, but for many clients, massage therapy can offer an effective path towards coping with the symptoms related to emotional, physical, or mental trauma. This is particularly true for individuals who are dealing with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

If you, or a loved one, are suffering from PTSD, massage therapy can provide another layer of care by alleviating stress, physical pain, and tension commonly associated with PTSD. 

PTSD refers to a psychiatric condition that occurs after someone has experienced a traumatic event.

What is PTSD?

PTSD refers to a psychiatric condition that occurs after someone has experienced a traumatic event. Originally, PTSD was associated with individuals who were engaged in war or combat, but over time, psychiatrists have found that PTSD can affect individuals who have witnessed or experienced other traumatic events, including sexual assault, serious or life-altering accidents or injuries, abuse, or natural disasters. 

Like many conditions that affect our emotional and mental life, PTSD symptoms can manifest differently for everyone. For example, some people may experience debilitating flashbacks and nightmares, while others may have intense feelings of fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, depression, or stress. 

These feelings can last well beyond the initial event and can make it difficult for individuals to engage in daily activities, maintain relationships, or otherwise move forward with their life.  

Though PTSD is associated with mental and emotional pain, over time, those symptoms can also lead to physical pain and other conditions, including joint pain, muscle pain and tension, headaches, nausea, an increased heart rate, and hypertension.  

Is massage therapy good for PTSD?

Combined, the emotional, mental, and physical effects of PTSD can be debilitating. Treating PTSD, therefore, often means taking an integrative approach to medicine. 

Traditionally, many PTSD patients turn to their psychiatrists and physicians to treat symptoms, but massage therapy is becoming an increasingly popular complement to treatment or management. 

Massage therapy relieves symptoms commonly associated with PTSD, like pain, tension, digestive issues, and anxiety. However, if you’re looking for an alternative or additional form of treatment, then a regular massage may be just what you need to help you on your journey towards healing. 

If you are considering massage therapy for PTSD, keep in mind that the goal is to find peace, comfort, and relief. That means being aware of your comfort level and any circumstances that may trigger intense emotions. 

As such, it’s essential to communicate any concerns or limits you may have with your therapist before the beginning of your session. Doing so will assist your therapist in determining the best treatment plan and allow you to experience the benefit you deserve. 

The best massage service for you depends on your unique needs.

What type of massage is best for PTSD?

As if often the case for massage therapy, the best massage service for you depends on your unique needs; however, some services may prove to be more efficient when coping with the symptoms associated with PTSD:

Swedish Massage

During a Swedish massage, your therapist will use their fingers, palms, and forearms to apply gentle-to-medium pressure to your arms, legs, back, neck, and shoulders to ease tension, increase blood flow, and help your body and mind relax. This type of massage therapy is also known to improve sleep, lower anxiety, and reduce stress.


Reflexology is an ancient form of massage therapy that focuses on the relationship between your hands and feet and other organs and systems in the body. During this massage, your therapist will apply pressure to specific points on your feet and hands to stimulate nerve endings to address pain and tension throughout the entire body. Reflexology is an excellent option if you want to experience the benefits of massage therapy without a full-body massage. 

Lomi Lomi Massage

The Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage blends techniques from Swedish and Deep tissue massage with spirituality and love. During this massage, your therapist will use various levels of pressure and strokes to relax muscles and address energy or circulation blockages. 

In addition, they’ll work with you to focus on slow, deep, and healing breaths. Because this service focuses on the body, mind, and spirit, clients often consider the Lomi Lomi massage one of the most healing services we offer. 

CBD Massage

Massage therapy alone can help improve your mental and physical state, but CBD can take your experience to the next level. Often credited with providing relief from chronic pain and anxiety, CBD oil can calm your mind without the psychoactive effect of THC. 

When combined with massage therapy—typically Swedish or Deep Tissue techniques—you can expect healing relief from pain, tension, and stress that lasts for several hours. 

Living with PTSD can be a constant challenge, but regular massage therapy can provide relief and help you heal and regain control of your mind and body. 

If you’re considering massage therapy as a way to cope with or treat PTSD, call us today. We’ll be happy to discuss our services, including those above,  and help you find one that best suits your needs. 

Wondering What to Expect Before And After Massage?

You’re looking forward to experiencing your first massage, but you can’t help but wonder, “what happens before and after my massage?” or “how should I prepare for my massage?” 

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Many first-time clients have questions and concerns about their initial massage experience. 

To help you prepare for your therapeutic journey, we’re answering some of the most common questions about what to expect before and after massage therapy. 

What should I do before a massage?

Even though the massage itself is a form of self-care, it’s a good idea to add in some additional self-care steps before you arrive. One of the most important things you can do is stay hydrated. 

Aside from the general benefits of regular hydration (e.g., increased energy, healthy organ function, etc.), drinking plenty of H20 during the 24 hours leading up to your appointment will help your body flush out toxins and prime muscles for the experience. 

Another thing you may want to consider is taking a shower with warm water (not hot). This isn’t a requirement, but it can help you feel better, be more relaxed, and, like hydration, prepare your body for what's to come.  

Finally, we recommend that you try to relax and get comfortable before your appointment. Though it’s not always possible, it’s helpful to arrive at your appointment with enough time to decompress and let go of the day's worries before entering the massage room. 

We also recommend that you wear comfortable, loose clothing that’s easier to put on and won’t cause discomfort after your massage. 

What should I not do before my session?

You may not always have a lot of control in the hours leading up to your massage appointment, especially if you’ve booked it immediately following work or other obligations. Still, there are some things you may want to avoid if you’re going to get the most from your experience.  

Drinking alcohol or many caffeinated beverages can make it harder for you to relax and may even make it more difficult for your body to flush out toxins. We also recommend that you avoid a heavy meal or eating or drinking anything that may cause intestinal discomfort before or during your massage. 

Another thing you may want to forego before your massage is makeup and any elaborate hairstyling efforts. You’re welcome to do those things prior, but you’ll quickly find that your efforts were for nothing. 

Depending on your booked service, your massage therapist will use their hands to massage your facial muscles and scalp, which will likely interfere with your hair and makeup. 

Finally, we recommend that you try to book your appointment at a time when you won’t be forced to rush or manage stressful engagements. A massage can certainly help you let go of stress and tension, but if you’re rushing to get to your appointment or still thinking about a work dilemma, you may not be able to enjoy the experience fully. 

What should I do after a massage?

After your massage, you should follow the golden pre-massage rule: stay hydrated. Doing so will continue to support your body as it flushes toxins. 

In addition to hydrating, you may also want to consider taking time to relax and stretch in the hours after your leave. Gentle stretching can prevent muscles from tensing and prolong the benefits you received during your appointment.  

In some cases, mainly if you’ve booked a deep tissue massage, you may experience some minor muscle soreness. This is a common reaction to muscle stimulation, especially if it's one of your first times on the massage table. If this happens, consider taking a warm bath or apply heat therapy to affected muscles. 

What should you not do after my session?

Much like your pre-massage routine, your post-massage routine should cultivate a feeling of relaxation and allow you to enjoy the benefits of massage therapy. Avoid eating a heavy meal, participating in strenuous activities, or engaging in stressful situations (e.g., going directly back to work). 

Do I need to rest after a massage?

The unequivocal answer to this question is, “yes!” You definitely should relax and rest, if you can. Resting will make it more likely that you maintain that calm and relaxed feeling, but that’s not the only reason you should take it easy. 

Massage therapy targets muscles, and those muscles need time to recover after a session. Resting gives them ample time to do so. 

How long do the effects of a massage last?

Everyone’s body is different, and how long the effects of a massage will last depends on many factors. For instance, if you booked a massage to cope with stress and achieve a state of relaxation, resting and avoiding stressful situations can help you extend the benefits. 

If you immediately jump back into the demands of life, you may find that calm feel dissipates quickly. Do your best to give yourself the time and space to practice self-care and extend the benefits as long as possible. 

If you’re booking a massage to cope with an injury or chronic pain, you may find that regular visits—every 2 to 4 weeks—may elongate the effects of massage therapy and provide long-term healing.

Massage therapy is an excellent way to treat your mind and body. If you recently booked or are considering booking your first massage, congratulations! It’s an excellent step towards the self-care you deserve. 

We commonly hear questions similar to those above, and we know that by answering them, we can provide you with a more comfortable and effective experience. If you still have questions, please let us know. We’re happy to help you make the most out of your first massage service.

Top 10 Benefits of Swedish Massage Therapy

If asked to name a popular massage treatment, chances are “Swedish massage” would be a top contender. As common as it may be, the Swedish massage is a powerful force for relaxation and pain relief. 

The benefits of Swedish massage therapy are many, making it the perfect massage service for improving your overall health or targeting specific areas of concern. 

What is the purpose of a Swedish massage?

During your Swedish massage, your therapist will use their hands, forearms, and elbows to knead and stroke your muscles to induce relaxation, stimulate your nerve endings and circulation, and ease the tension or stress you may be carrying.  

The Swedish massage is typically a full-body massage that includes your back, arms, legs, hands, and feet. However, the gentle yet targeted nature of the Swedish massage makes it effective at treating various muscular, circulatory, and musculoskeletal injuries or conditions. As such, your therapist can curtail your experience to meet your unique needs. 

Swedish massage is typically a full-body massage that includes your back, arms, legs, hands, and feet.

How often should you get a Swedish massage?

How frequently you get a Swedish massage depends on the benefits you hope to receive. A Swedish massage is a great way to pamper yourself or get relief from the stressors of everyday life. If that’s the case, you should book it as often as you’d like.  

If you’re turning to Swedish massage therapy as a way to address a specific issue you may be experiencing, then it’s a good idea to book one every two to four weeks. That schedule will allow you to experience the cumulative benefits of massage therapy

Is a Swedish Massage good for you?

A Swedish massage, like other forms of massage therapy, can be an excellent addition to your self-care efforts or pain management plan. The benefits are many, making this a massage technique that can provide both immediate and long-term benefits.

10 Benefits of Swedish Massage Therapy

1. Improves circulation

The pressure and techniques applied during massage work to encourage blood movement in and around congested areas. The same is true of lymphatic fluid, which can build up and disrupt body functions or create swelling and inflammation. This improved circulation not only improves your overall wellbeing but also leads to the many benefits listed below. 

2. Aids in pain management

Pain can stem from several factors, including inflammation and muscle spasms or contractions. During a Swedish massage, your therapist will work to relax your muscles, which can reduce or eliminate painful muscle spasms. The increased circulation can also lead to reduced inflammation and further alleviate pain from short-term issues and chronic conditions like arthritis. 

3. Improves range of motion and flexibility

During a massage, muscles relax and become “softer” while lymphatic fluid that could cause edema is flushed away. For many clients, this can lead to an improved range of motion. This is especially true for the shoulder region, which is frequently vulnerable to injuries that restrict the range of motion.

4. Promotes relaxation

The entire massage experience is crafted to support relaxation and an enhanced feeling of calm. The massage techniques employed can lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, and ease tensions. But the environment, which typically includes soft music, dim lights, and calming essential oils, can also promote relaxation. 

5. Improves sleep

Stress, anxiety, and pain can make it hard to fall asleep, and once you’re sleeping, it could disrupt or decrease the quality of sleep you do get. A massage can reduce pain and anxiety, which will improve sleep. It can also promote serotonin production, which can promote relaxation. 

Swedish massage will relax muscles and improve range of motion.

6. Aids in stress management

Day to day life can be stressful, but you’re encouraged to truly enjoy the moment during your massage session, including the time leading up to, during, and after the massage. During your session, however, the techniques used by your therapist will make it easier to release tension. 

7. Improves posture

When your muscles are constantly tight or constricted, proper posture can be painful and challenging to achieve. However, since a Swedish massage will relax muscles and improve range of motion, you may find that your posture improves after a series of regular sessions. 

8. Supports immunity

Regular massages can flush out toxins and increase blood flow to promote white blood cell activity. Combined with reduced stress and increased relaxation, this can strengthen your immune system and help you fight off or avoid colds, viruses, and illnesses. 

9. Rehabilitates muscle injuries

Because your massage therapist can adapt the massage to suit your needs, it's a great tool to promote targeted muscle relaxation and improve blood circulation. As such, a Swedish massage can be an excellent addition to your muscle rehabilitation efforts. 

10. Reduce headaches and migraines

Stress and muscle tension can directly affect the muscles in your face, neck, and scalp. This can create the perfect storm for prolonged or chronic headaches. Swedish massage therapy focuses on those very muscle groups, reducing stress and providing relief from headaches and even migraines. 

Whether you are new to the massage scene or you’ve been practicing this type of self-care for years, the Swedish massage provides a reliable and flexible experience with many benefits. 

A single session can help you relax, decompress, and feel more energized, but there’s also plenty of reasons to schedule a regular Swedish massage. Doing so can help you cope with long-term or chronic injuries, muscle pain, or stress, improving your overall quality of life. 

Contact Massage Now Today!

During an upper body massage, your therapist will combine several techniques to massage your shoulder, neck, and head muscles.

Why Would I Book An Upper Body Massage?

We tend to carry the weight of the world—or at least our personal and professional lives—on our shoulders. For many of us, that translates to tight muscles, tension headaches, and pain radiating to the neck, shoulders, and mid to lower back. 

Many of our massage services can help you deal with that pain, but if you relate all too well with the issues we just mentioned, then an upper body massage may be your key to sweet relief

What is an upper-body massage?

An upper body massage is a treatment that focuses specifically on the mid and upper back and the neck, shoulders, and head. Your massage therapist will use various levels of pressure to rub, stroke, and knead areas that are typically tight or store tension in the upper half of your body.  

When your upper body massage appointment begins, you’ll also have time to talk to your therapist and discuss issues or specific pain points that you’d like them to work on. As such, the upper body massage can be customized to fit your exact needs, whether it’s tension headaches, sports injuries, or general neck, shoulder, and back pain.  

One of the primary benefits of an upper-body massage is pain reduction.

What are the benefits of an upper-body massage?

Even though an upper body massage only focuses on everything from the waist up, the overall experience can leave you feeling better from head to toe. Clients who choose our upper body massage may experience the following benefits: 

1. Reduced pain

One of the primary benefits of an upper-body massage is pain reduction. That includes pain associated with medical conditions and injuries and pain that stems from everyday activities. Everything from sitting at a desk all day to spending hours performing physical labor can leave the muscles and ligaments in our upper body sore. 

As muscle tension in one part of the upper body can directly impact another, quickly turning a sore back muscle into neck pain and headaches. As your massage therapist works on each muscle group, the pain will melt away.

2. Alleviates tension headaches

Stress, anxiety, injury, or even sleeping the wrong way can all lead to increased tension in the neck, face, and scalp area, all of which can cause painful headaches. During an upper body massage, your therapist will combine several techniques to massage your shoulder, neck, and head muscles, eliminating or reducing the pain often associated with tension headaches.  

An upper body massage increases blood flow.

3. Improves circulation

As is often the case with many massage techniques, an upper body massage can promote circulation in the upper body region. Improved circulation can expedite the healing process, making this an effective massage service for anyone coping with injuries in the upper body areas. 

4. Improves immune response

Because an upper body massage increases blood flow, it also can lead to an increase in white blood cells and lymphocytes. In addition to aiding in the healing process, the increase in white blood cells and lymphocytes can also improve your immune system. 

5. Helps athletes cope with sport-related pain and injury

Athletes frequently benefit from deep tissue massages, but if you suffer from training-related injuries and soreness in the upper body region, this massage may provide a more targeted approach to healing. 

Can I speak up during my massage if something doesn’t feel right?

An upper body massage can bring you much-needed relief from muscle soreness, tension, and stress, but that doesn’t mean the path to pain relief is the same for everyone. 

We encourage every client to let us know if they feel pain or are otherwise uncomfortable during a massage. Your therapist can work with you to find the best pressure level or technique to ensure your comfort. 

An upper body massage is a great way to cope with the physical and mental stressors you accumulate each day.  This type of massage can also present an additional way to target and treat upper body injuries or chronic pain.  

Regardless of what brings you to the massage table, an upper body massage will leave you feeling energized and relaxed while benefiting from reduced pain and muscle tension.

An upper body massage can speed up the healing process and remove unwanted toxins from the body.

Why Choose Our Signature Massage Treatments? Benefits Explained

Many of the massage services we provide elevate your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. But if you’re looking for a truly relaxing experience that combines some of our most-loved massage therapy options, our Signature Massage Treatments won’t disappoint. 

Our signature massage treatment takes you on a 60-minute journey that incorporates an upper body massage, reflexology, and Himalayan salt stones, making for a unique experience that caters to every part of your mind and body.  

Upper Body Massage

As the name suggests, an upper body massage focuses primarily on the mid and upper back, including your neck, shoulder, and the muscles along the spine. Many of us carry what often feels like the weight of the world in our upper body muscles, making this the perfect massage treatment to wash away the physical pain and tension that our hectic lives often leave behind. 

In addition to easing stress-induced pain, an upper body massage can also help treat pain associated with poor posture and injury. This type of massage technique also improved circulation in and around the treatment location while stimulating the lymphatic system. As such, an upper body massage can speed up the healing process and remove unwanted toxins from the body. 

Reflexology dates back to ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and North American Indian tribes.


Like many of our therapeutic practices, reflexology dates back to ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and North American Indian tribes. This technique stems from the belief that some parts of our body, known as “reflex” areas, are interconnected. 

Taking advantage of this connection, practitioners will apply gentle pressure to one body part, like the hands and feet, to reduce pain and tension or clear energy blockages in other parts of the body. 

For instance, your massage therapist may apply pressure to the arch of your foot to improve liver and kidney function or the tips of your toes for head pain. As such, you’ll experience soothing relief in the hands or feet as well as the interconnected body part. 

Although the benefits of reflexology may vary based on your needs, this technique is commonly used to help clients deal with anxiety and stress; chronic pain, like that associated with arthritis; sinus issues; back pain; and even digestive concerns. 

Himalayan Salt Stone Massage

Himalayan salt stones can have many benefits, especially when combined with traditional massage techniques, like those used during deep tissue and Swedish massages. During our signature massage treatment, your massage therapist will use these smoothed salt stones to rub, stroke, and knead your body. Though Himalayan salt stones can be used at room temperature, practitioners frequently warm them to provide an even deeper level of relief. 

Himalayan salt stones can provide another layer of relief from muscle soreness, stress, anxiety, and tension.

During a massage, Himalayan salt stones can provide another layer of relief from muscle soreness, stress, anxiety, and tension. Himalayan salt stones can also decrease inflammation while detoxifying and restoring balance to the body. 

That makes salt stones a massage tool for anyone looking to get relief from various ailments, including high blood pressure and respiratory issues. Many practitioners also believe they can improve the immune system response and circulation. 

With so many massage services available, it’s not always easy to choose. With our signature massage treatment, you won’t have to choose just one. 

Spend sixty minutes pampering your mind, body, and soul as our skilled massage therapists combine an upper body, reflexology, and Himalayan salt stone massage for a one-of-a-kind experience. 

hot stone massage is similar to other popular forms of massage therapy.

Should I Get Hot Stone Massage Therapy?

Looking for a way to get even more out of your next massage session? Hot stones may be the key to an even more relaxing experience that will ease tension and relieve stress. 

This type of massage combines traditional techniques used during Swedish or deep tissue massages with heated stones to melt away stress, anxiety, tension, and pain. 

What is a hot stone massage?

Today’s hot stone massage therapy is believed to be a modern spin on ancient techniques first practiced in ancient Indian cultures and later Chinese, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern cultures.  Now, this popular service is in spas and massage centers around the world

In many ways, a hot stone massage is similar to other popular forms of massage therapy.  Your massage therapist will use their palms, fingers, and forearms to rub, stroke, and apply pressure to various parts of your body in an effort to release tension and reduce any pain you may be feeling.  The defining characteristic, as the name suggests, is the incorporation of hot stones.

Typically made from basalt, a form of volcanic rock, these smooth stones are heated and then placed on various parts of your body, frequently the back, stomach, arms, feet, and face, depending on your needs. 

Hot stone can contribute to your overall physical and mental wellness.

Your therapist will also use the stones by grasping them and using them to rub and stroke various parts of your body. This combination of heat and added pressure allows for a deeper, more relaxing massage experience and can assist your therapist in targeting specific pain points. 

In many ways, your hot stone massage will mimic other popular massage therapy services, like Swedish or deep tissue massages. However, instead of relying on their palms, fingers, and forearms to apply pressure, your therapist will incorporate flat and smooth stones composed of basalt, a type of volcanic rock. 

Your therapist will use the hot stones in different ways to enhance your overall massage experience or provide targeted relief to a specific part of your body.  

During the massage, your therapist may place the stones directly on your back, stomach, face, hands, and feet to radiate warmth to a specific part of your body.  Frequently, however, they will hold on to the stones and use them to warm and apply pressure as they rub and stroke your body. 

What is hot stone massage therapy good for?

Like any of our massages, a hot stone can contribute to your overall physical and mental wellness.  Anyone who suffers from the following conditions may find hot stone massages particularly beneficial: 

  • Pain and muscle tension: We often turn to heat to reduce pain and soreness associated with short-term or chronic muscle or joint problems.  Hot stone massages introduce this element to heat to traditional massage techniques creating a powerful, healing combination. 
  • Anxiety and stress: Most massages treatments can help you say goodbye to stress and anxiety, but hot stone massages are uniquely suited to increase this relief.  That's because the heat from the stones can expand blood vessels and encourage blood flow, which aids in relaxation. 
  • Chronic pain or ailments: The warmth and increased circulation associated with hot stone massages also make this service an excellent option for individuals suffering from various ailments and conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.  A hot stone massage can also help individuals suffering from the side effects associated with cancer treatment. 

Your therapist will heat the stones to between 120 and 145 degrees during a hot stone massage.

How hot are the stones used in a hot stone massage? 

Many first-time clients are concerned that the stones used may be too hot, leading to discomfort or pain. However, your therapist will heat the stones to between 120 and 145 degrees during a hot stone massage. 

Doing so makes them hot enough to soothe your muscles or allow your therapist to work on deep tissue areas. However, the stones should never be so hot that your massage becomes uncomfortable or painful.  

If you find the temperature is too hot, please immediately let your therapist know so they can cool them to a temperature more suitable for you.  

Hot stone massage therapy combines the soothing techniques of deep tissue and Swedish massages with heat and additional pressure, making it a great treatment option for anyone looking to extend the already plentiful benefits of massage therapy.  

If you’re considering a hot stone massage or have questions regarding this service, contact us today. We'll be happy to assist you as you select the best service for your needs.

This unique ancient Hawaiian practice weaves together popular techniques

Lomi Lomi Massage Techniques: Everything You Want To Know.

So many of today’s most popular massage techniques aim to improve your physical and mental health, but few nurture your spiritual health. 

The Lomi Lomi massage technique, however, does just that. This unique ancient Hawaiian practice weaves together popular techniques, like those incorporated in Swedish or deep tissue massages, with ancient traditions that nourish your soul.  

What is a Lomi Lomi Massage? 

“Lomi” is a Hawaiian word that means to “rub, press, knead, or massage.” The Lomi Lomi massage also referred to as “loving hands massage,” is rooted in ancient Hawaiian and Polynesian practices and represents tried and true technique that has been handed from generation to generation. 

These massages were a staple in Hawaiian healing practices but over time - particularly as tourists sought out this unique massage experience - Lomi Lomi became increasingly popular on the U.S. mainland and other parts of the world. But not every massage center or spa can offer this type of massage. 

The practitioners must go through specific training for this program. Massage Now’s Christine Mooney, for example, studied at the Hawaiian Lomi Lomi School of Kauai to bring this cherished tradition to NEPA. 

What is a Lomi Lomi Massage?

What to expect during a Lomi Lomi.

During a Lomi Lomi massage, your therapist will use their fingers, palms, elbows, and forearms to gently stroke and rub your body. Your therapist also may incorporate other massage tools, such as volcanic rocks, a Lomi Lomi stick, and traditional chants or humming sequences. The end result is a soothing, full-body massage that takes on a rhythmic feeling meant to mimic waves in the ocean. 

To begin, the Lomi Lomi practitioner will honor the ritual by saying a brief prayer and then gently laying their hands on your body while remaining still for a few minutes.

This practice is rooted in the Hawaiian tradition of calling upon the spirits to aid in your healing. At that time, you may also be encouraged to focus on your breathing or meditate to prepare your mind, body, and soul for the massage experience. 

From there, the massage includes techniques similar to a Swedish massage, but, Lomi Lomi massages are not bound to a specific road map. Instead, your experience will vary based on your body and the individualized training and intuitive instincts of your Lomi Lomi practitioner. This makes for a true one-of-a-kind experience that is designed to suit your unique needs. 

During a Lomi Lomi, your body will be more exposed than it is during other practices; this allows the massage therapist to provide a truly nurturing full-body experience for which this technique is known. However, you can choose a level of coverage that meets your comfort level. 

What to expect during a Lomi Lomi Massage

What are the benefits of a Lomi Lomi?

A Lomi Lomi can bring with it a host of benefits and can be a great choice for anyone who feels drained by the stressors of the outside world. Because this practice is so deeply embedded in spiritual health, clients typically benefit from increased positivity as negative energy and blockages are cleared. 

In addition to improved spiritual wellness, you can look forward to the following benefits of this massage technique

  • Lower blood pressure and improved circulation
  • Stronger immune response
  • Increased flexibility and range of motion
  • Improved posture
  • Rejuvenated mind 

A Lomi Lomi massage is an experience like no other, and if you are looking for a unique way to treat yourself, this ancient technique may be exactly what your mind and body need. And, because each experience is crafted to meet your physical, mental, and spiritual needs at the moment, every visit will be as unique as it is welcoming.  

Not sure if this massage is right for you? Contact us today to talk to our certified Lomi Lomi practitioner so that you can find your path to healing. 

Deep tissue massages are one of the most popular spa treatments

How Does a Deep Tissue Massage Work? Here's Your Guide.

Deep tissue massages are one of the most popular spa treatments, but if you haven’t had the opportunity to experience one, you may not know what to expect or if it’s the right service for you. 

This Q&A guide will answer several commonly asked questions, including, "how does a deep tissue massage work?" 

What is a deep tissue massage?

A deep tissue massage is a therapeutic service that is frequently used to treat sports injuries, muscle strains, and chronic pain. It can also help break up scar tissue and assist in the healing process, making it a popular option among athletes.  

How does this massage work? 

During deep tissue massages, your trained therapist will use their palms and fingers to firmly knead your inner muscle tissue, using varying pressure as necessary. 

Although this may sound similar to the technique used during a Swedish massage, the targeted muscle area differs. Instead of focusing on superficial muscles, or those immediately under your skin, deep tissue massages focus on inner muscles and layers of connective tissue that aren’t typically targeted during a Swedish massage. 

Deep tissue massages can be used to treat a specific area, like your shoulder, hamstrings, or back, or your therapist can provide a full-body deep tissue massage. 

To help determine the best option for treatment, your massage therapist will talk with you before the start of your session to ensure that they target any specific problem areas.

Will a deep tissue massage hurt?

The massage can help you cope with chronic or injury-related pain, but you may experience some soreness immediately following your treatment. 

This soreness is typically mild to moderate and will diminish within a few days. If you experience massage-related soreness, you can find relief through heat (e.g., warm bath, heating pad), cold wraps, or over-the-counter pain relievers as needed. Although post-massage soreness may be common, you should never feel extreme or prolonged pain during or following a deep tissue massage.  

deep tissue massage can be a great tool to help you find relief and improve your quality of life

Is it right for me? 

If you have injury-related or chronic muscle pain, this massage can be a great tool to help you find relief and improve your quality of life. However, this particular massage service isn't for everyone. 

If you suffer from any of the following conditions, you may want to consider an alternative therapy or consult your doctor before scheduling: 

  • Blood clots
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Any conditions that require the use of blood thinners
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cancer, specifically during treatment

Are there side effects?

Deep tissue massages target the inner layer of muscles, and your therapist will likely use an increased amount of pressure. This may cause temporary muscle soreness. 

In addition, because this service can help your body release metabolic waste stored in tissue, some patients may temporarily experience nausea, headaches, or flu-like symptoms.

How often should you get a deep tissue massage?

The frequency with which you should get this service depends on your body and any injuries or chronic pain issues you may experience. 

You can speak to your massage therapist to determine the proper regiment based on your needs. That said, if you’re considering a deep tissue massage as a means to cope with injury or chronic pain, you may want to schedule a massage every two to three weeks at a minimum until your issue improves. 

A deep tissue massage can provide a unique form of relief to muscle pain

What are the benefits of deep tissue massage?

Like other forms of massage therapy, a deep tissue one can provide a wealth of benefits, including reduced pain and tension throughout the body. 

However, clients typically experience the following benefits:

  • Decreased inflammation
  • Improved blood flow
  • Reduced pain and tension
  • Improved range of motion
  • Relief from the following:
    1. Sports injuries
    2. Tennis elbow
    3. Sciatica
    4. Plantar fasciitis
    5. Fibromyalgia

This massage can provide a unique form of relief to muscle pain, and for many clients, it’s a welcome option that can complement other forms of therapy and pain management. 

Not sure if it’s right for you? Contact us today to discuss our services to determine the right option to meet your needs.